
The Pre-Entrepreneur to-Do List


There are many checklists and to-do lists for entrepreneurs. But what about those who are just starting out as entrepreneurs? Before you can start pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams, there are some things you must do. Preparation is crucial and will determine whether or not you are successful. Start by writing down your reasons for wanting to become an entrepreneur. Then, reflect on these reasons and decide if they are valid. Entrepreneurship may not be for you if it is to prove something to your parents, or to hate your job. You should encourage your creativity, work for yourself, flexibility and make a positive difference. Great! Here’s how you can make it happen.

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Take a risk-taking mindset

Having a job means having security–entrepreneurs don’t have that, at least not in the same way employees do. To be successful as an entrepreneur, you must take calculated risks. That doesn’t mean you don’t research, plan or evaluate. Sometimes you have to just jump in and trust the outcome. Learn how to accept risks and study them. Even with careful planning, sometimes your risk will not pay off. However, even failures can provide valuable feedback that you can use to grow the business. To build your courage and fortitude, you need to get out of your comfort zone.

Financial Smartness: Get Smart

While starting a home-based business is all about making money, it’s easy to lose money or waste money while building your business. You have many options for learning about finances. From working with a financial adviser to enrolling in a class or e-course. Explore the many ways you can learn about finances to find the best outlet. It’s okay to start with “Dummies”, and it’s not a shame to ask questions of an advisor. It’s better to find a mentor who is also financially-savvy.

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Use technology (not the other way around)

Technology can make you lazy. So be proactive in fighting this trend. It can also be a distraction, which is death for an entrepreneur-in-the-making. You’re not being smart and efficient if you spend too much time on Facebook, when you should be using Mint to generate a report or marketing your home-based business. While technology tools can help streamline tasks and organize data, they don’t have to be used for every task. You can, for example, use a whiteboard to take notes instead of your smartphone.

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Stop Being 100 Percent Employee

Even if your job is a manager, chances are you have been an employee all your life. You now need to be a boss. This requires a new mindset and character traits. You must be confident, self-motivated, knowledgeable, decisive, and determined.

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Optimize Your Tech Knowledge

Technology shouldn’t be relied upon or wasted time. However, it can help you save time. You can learn HTML and other tech skills that will help you manage busy tasks like social media scheduling. You’ll be able to learn more and pay less for “experts”.

Although you won’t be an entrepreneur overnight; however, it is possible to start. It is important to change your mindset and skills. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur to succeed. However, you can develop the skills and the mindset necessary to become one.